
Solar geoengineering with sulfates aerosols

David Keith

David Keith

University of Chicago

Wednesday, 15 May 2024
11 am Mountain Time
DSRC 2A305


I will discuss two topics. First, some results on the relative risks of solar geoengineering and carbon removal used to achieve the same temperature reduction. Second, some results and more questions about the engineering of sulfur transport to the stratosphere including questions of which sulfur species and how the choice of species interacts with the formation of aerosols.

David Keith has worked near the interface between climate science, energy technology, and public policy since 1990. Best known for his work on the science, technology, and public policy of solar geoengineering, David has work on diverse topics including economics of electricity decarbonization, public perception of emerging technologies, and the climate impacts of wind power. David is Professor of Geophysical Sciences and founding faculty director of the Climate Systems Engineering initiative at University of Chicago. David founded of Carbon Engineering, a Canadian company developing technology to capture CO2 from ambient air.

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